Scenario-based Exam Preparation
As part of preparation for the Scenario-based Clinical Examination, the ABO highly recommends that examinees gain as much experience as possible working through patient cases, completing an objective analysis of the facts to form their own judgment. These critical thinking exercises will strengthen an examinee's skills as he or she prepares for the scenario-based examination. This process also promotes the opportunity for self-evaluation and reflection on case outcomes.
Tools previously created by the ABO to assess case outcomes will be utilized within the scenario-based examination process. These tools include Case Management Form (CMF) and cephalometric superimposition technique and interpretation.
- The Case Management Form (CMF) treatment objectives should be thought of in three planes of space
- Set objectives should be determined by what is best for the patient, not by what the patient/family wants to hear
- Examinees should be able to determine correct landmark placement for cephalograph
- Examinees should be able to identify appropriate regional anatomy for cranial base, maxillary, and mandibular superimpositions
- Examinees should be able to interpret superimpositions and differentiate changes due to growth vs. treatment mechanics
- Examinees should be able to detect tracing and superimposition errors
Preparation Resources:
- Study Guide
- Examinee Orientation PPT
- Pathway Program Presentation
- Introduction to the Scenario-based Clinical Examination
- Sample Cases 1
- Sample Cases 2
- Sample Cases: Cast Radiograph Evaluation (CRE) /Case Management Form (CMF) /Superimpositions
- ABO Examination Style Guide
- Recommended Treatment Objectives Terminology
- Root Angulation
- Case Management Form (CMF)
- Cephalometric Review
- Cranial Base, Mandibular and Maxillary Superimpositions
- Buschang PH, Roldan SI, Tadlock LP: Guidelines for assessing the growth and development of orthodontic patients. Seminars in Orthodontics 23(4): 321-335, December 2017.
- Fishman LS: Radiographic evaluation of skeletal maturation. A clinically oriented method based on hand-wrist films. The Angle Orthodontist 52(2): 88-112, April 1982.
- Park, JH (2020). Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781119513636.
- McNamara, J. A., & Franchi, L. The cervical vertebral maturation method: A user’s guide. The Angle Orthodontist. Vol. 88, No. 2, March 2018.
- Current contemporary textbooks, journals including AJODO, and CE courses.