The examinee will complete four (4) case reports to evaluate each case presented to the Board. All four (4) reports for each case are contained in the Case Report Work File (CRWF) including:
- The Written Case Report (WCR) is a thorough, yet succinct, description of the case conforming to a specific format as described in the Written Case Report Instructions.
- The Discrepancy Index (DI) is a measure of the complexity of the case on the pre-treatment models. It is used by the Board in determining the criteria for case submission. For an overview see Discrepancy Index Instructions.
- The Cast/Radiograph Evaluation (C-R Eval) is a measure of the results of treatment on the final models and intraoral radiographs. For an instructional manual of the grading system for Cast Evaluation, see Grading System for Dental Casts and Panoramic Radiographs.
- The Case Management Form (CMF) is a measure of the changes in the skeletal, dental and facial aspects of the case as described in the Case Management Form Instructions.
Examinee's are required to print two Case Report Work Files for each case notebook presented.
See a Video Demonstration of measuring for Discrepancy Index and Cast-Radiograph Evaluation.
See: Construction of the Mandibular Plane for completing measurements in the DI and CMF.